We work on both long term partnerships and short-term projects.

Andrea küpper & partners as a representative:

Representation in France and Luxembourg towards professional MICE key players and leisure tourism.

We speak to these type of clients on a daily basis:

Conference Placement Agents
Event Management Companies
Business Travel Agents
Luxury Travel Agents
Tour Operators
Group Travel Organisers
Corporate Accounts from most sectors

We create and build awareness…

We bring decision makers, fine and luxury hotels and DMCs together. 
We inform, communicate and connect through:
 - Direct sales (telemarketing, face to face meetings, blitzes and get togethers).
 - Online marketing (website, blog, e-mailing, social media).
 - Roadshows.
 - Promotional events (luncheons, cocktails, workshops, educationals, etc.).
 - Site visits & inspections.
 - Qualified familiarisation visits to your destination.

Why you should outsource: 

There are many reasons to consider the outsourcing of your sales activities. One of those reasons is to gain access to new and attractive markets or to expand into distant markets without having to undergo an expensive geographic expansion. Another might be to strenghten the existing sales force and reduce turnover costs. Additionally, you will also be able to benefit from our language skills (French, German, English) and our cultural and economic knowledge of our markets.

We can be the same… but we prefer to be different...

Our "Exclusively Yours" package allows clients to utilise our services where and when needed. While we usually work on a tailor-made approach for our representation services, we understand that during certain periods of the year you may require more time. Our tailor-made services range from just a helping hand during a busy period to a temporary extension of your main office or even long-term partnership solutions. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information!